Did You Know?

We ship our cookies to every state in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii.  Note that there are restrictions on some products.

We provide delivery in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.

We offer call ahead, curbside service.     

We offer gift cards! Please call us at (513) 941-1186 or visit us at 6143 Bridgetown Road to purchase.

* We offer wholesale pricing.  Our cookies are sold in many retail stores in Cincinnati and Kentucky.  Individually wrapped and delicious!

We offer corporate pricing.  Please call Jenny's to discuss pricing.

Upon request, we can quarter your cookies or cut your cookies in half before placing them on trays or  in bakery boxes.  This way, your guests can try a variety of cookies!

We offer free ribbon (any color of the rainbow!) on bakery boxes, making your cookie gift just a little more special.

Keep your cookies in the fridge to ensure their freshness, longer.  We use no preservatives in our cookies, and no shortening ever!

Our cookies freeze for up to 4 months in a Ziploc freezer bag. Hint: Cut the cookies in half or quarters before freezing… unless you want to eat a whole cookie after thawing!

Cookie Cakes?  Yes we do!  We bake and decorate beautiful cookie cakes!  4 day notice please!

Do we bake a smaller cookie?  Yes, we do!  It is our catering size cookie, but we only offer Chocolate Chip in the catering size cookie.

We can pronounce every ingredient in each one of our cookies!  We use no preservatives, and we never will!

We accept cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Apple Pay.